- Follow one's heart, and be adorable. 从心所愿;做个可敬可爱的人.
- How convincing is Cleanthes’s argument about the eye, in Part III? 在第三部份中,克里安堤斯对于眼睛的论述是否有力?
- The pictures follow one another in swift succession. 画面飞快地按顺序相继出现。
- The Government' s argument is that they must first aim to beat inflation. 政府的论点是必须首先着眼於抑制通货膨胀.
- Since then, most key indicators have served to buttress OPEC's argument. 那之后的大多数关键指标都支持欧佩克的说法。
- For our example we will only follow one of the cases and examine it in detail. 对于我们的示例,我们将只研究其中一个示例,并详细考察它。
- Eventually it is OK that he can have one flatlet follow one's inclinations. 终于自己能有一套房可以随心所欲。
- The upshot of Locke’s argument is that religious practices flourish only at the sufferance of the state. 洛克的结论是:宗教只有在遵守国家法律的前提下才能繁荣发展。
- The waiters followed one another into the room. 侍者一个接一个地进入房间。
- This thesis reconstructs Wittgenstein"s argument of ending philosophy in both early and late stage. 本文重构了前后期维特根斯坦终结哲学的论证。
- Fodor's argument of “non-Modularity in Central System”-because they are the domain-unspecificity and informationally unencapsulated-is wrong. 高级认知系统(思维、推理等)的加工并不需要整合所有或每一领域的信息,因而它可以是领域特殊性的;
- To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow one's own inclination. 心目中没有集体生活的原则,只有自由放任。
- In order to indicate that civil codification is not Germany’s certainly choice,Savigny vetoed jurist’s argument for civil codification. 通过对法典编纂派论据的反驳,萨维尼意在表明,制定民法典并非是当时德国的当然选择。
- System designed in the united state,japan,europe and south america follow one of two basic approachs. 在美国、日本、欧洲和南美洲设计的系统都遵循两种基本方法。
- Yet just as in the AKP case, much of the prosecution’s argument rests on words rather than deeds.Moreover, any ban might just boost the DTP’s popularity. 但是就像正义和发展上次的事件一样,所谓取缔都只是说说而已,而且,任何有关民主社会党的取缔,都只能增加它受欢迎的程度。
- Typically, iterations are consecutively numbered and follow one another sequentially. 通常情况下,迭代是连续编号并逐一顺序执行的。
- Or some god returning, or some savior, or some reason for everyone to begin to follow one way of thinking. 或者某些神返回,或某些救星或者为每个人开始跟随一条思想道路的某些原因。
- One car braked suddenly and crashed by the following one. 一辆汽车突然刹车,与后面跟着的那辆汽车相撞。
- Onr car braked suddenly, colliding into the following one. 一辆汽车突然刹车,与后面跟着的那辆汽车相撞。
- In that case, the D.C. Circuit rejected EPA's argument that issuing permits for each individual source would be impractical in view of the number of sources involved (around 500,000) and the difficulty of setting effluent limits. 在那一案例中,地区法院巡回法庭反对环境保护局的论点,鉴于源头数量(大约50万)和限制污水的困难,对每个个别源头加以管制的行为可能无法进行。